Two Way : Walkie Talkie

by Selvaraj LLC



Two Way is a walkie talkie app that allows two or more users to talk instantly

Two Way is a walkie talkie application that allows any number of users to talk to each other instantly. There is no signup required and no personal information is ever collected. Two Ways simple user interface is easy to use. Start talking to your friends, co-workers, or family members now.Two Way acts like a traditional walkie talkie. You can select the channel number or location using a map and talk to anyone in the same channel. It supports running in the background with minimal battery usage.With the release of Two Way Walkie Talkie for Android, it is now a cross platform application. Talk to your friends using Android devices or other types of smart phones. issue with connection after app restarts.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

I give one star ónly. Reason? One MÚST have internet difi to be able to communicate ! Useless for OFFLINE !!!! I give two stars, since the voice clarity is good over a long distance, bút why nót through one's phone # and nót WiFi ?!!!

Dara Guest

Best app..,.

Oinam chinglemba Singh

It'd be nice to be able to go ad free and a missed chirp notification would be dope too. Ik it's location based but it would also be cool if it would stay on the last channel you put in.

David N.

Great app

Lyna Chai

Good to excellent

Belinda Joubert

thank u

Ko Ko Lin

Very lovely app great yaaar...

Khalid Maqbool

Should be highest rating in the store

Ben L

Why wife can talk to me but I cannot talk to her. I made sure we are using the same gps, and passcode. Keep trying

David Hotrum


amanuel shewit